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piana / piana Works Collection

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TITLE : piana Works Collection ARTIST : piana RELEASE DATE : 2016/01/14 CATALOG NO : GAGR-003 TRACK LIST : Disk 1 / Snow Bird 01. 20 Years Ago 02. Butterfly 03. Snow Bird 04. Spring Has Come!!! 05. Winter Sleep 06. Hide And Seek 07. Voice 08. Monster 09. April 10. Blue Bell 11. After 20 Years __ Disk 2 / Ephemeral 01. Something Is Lost 02. Early in Summer 03. Beside Me 04. Color of Breeze 05. Little Girl Poems 06. Muse 07. Mother's Love 08. Moon And Cello 09. Beginning __ Disk 3 / Remixes 01. Little Girl Poems / KASHIWA Daisuke 02. In Silence / world’s end girlfriend 03. Snow Bird / FilFla 04. Early in Summer part 02 / Joseph Notihng 05. Mother's Love / FourColor 06. Butterfly / KASHIWA Daisuke 07. Winter Sleep / COM.A 08. April / KASHIWA Daisuke 09. Something Is Lost / KASHIWA Daisuke 10. Early in Summer part 01 / Joseph Nothing piana Works Collection – Snow Bird / Ephemeral / Remixes - 2003年にリリースされた1stアルバム“Snow Bird”、2005年にリリースされた2ndアルバム“Ephemeral”、それぞれ、世界中で喝采を浴びるも現在廃盤となっている、これら2枚のアルバムをKASHIWA Daisukeがリマスタリング、さらに、world’s end girlfriend、Keiichi Sugimoto、Joseph Nothing、COM.A、KASHIWA Daisuke、5名の著名アーティストによるリミックス曲10曲を収録したアルバムを加えた、計3枚組の豪華なアルバムをリリースします。  今から12年以上も前に制作されたこの2枚のアルバムは、piana自身の手で、最初から最後まで時間をかけて丁寧に作り上げられた作品で、一聴してpianaとわかる個性と、女性ならではの優しく暖かみのあるハンドメイドな音作りが印象的です。まるで幼い頃にみた夢のようなノスタルジアと、童話のようなファンタジーの世界、それを哀しくも優しく包むキュートな歌声。彼女の表現する音楽には、地球上の誰しもが持つ原風景、まるで雪解け~春の訪れに包まれるような温もりを感じる事でしょう。 Piana’s 1st album “snow bird” was released from cubic music and 12K sub-label Happy in 2003.The 2nd album” Ephemeral”was released from Happy in 2005.Both albums got a quite good reputation from the world but has been out of prints for years.We proudly announce that we reissue those two albums with remastered by KASHIWA Daisuke. It contains a disc with 10-remixed-tracks by 5 acclaimed musicians such as world’s end girlfriend, Keiichi Sugimoto, Joseph Nothing, COM. A and KASHIWA Daisuke.Those two albums were originally recorded more than 12years ago.Piana produced from the beginning to the end by herself.She took plenty time to make every details are fine. The albums are full with her personality. So even a slightest sound, you probably notice that music is by her. The gentle, warm and home-made taste sounds are very impressive. Piana’s music is like a nostalgia that you dreamed in childhood or a fantasy like fairy-tale story. And with her tender melancholy cute singing voice, you may feel primal image every ones on the earth have. The warmness being in mother’s arms.

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